Need more convincing? Read these.

They all took a chance on themselves.

Our coaches were there for support, education, and to provide a clear path to #getfitlookgoodnaked.


🥑 Why did N3 work vs. anything you've tried before?

It worked because it wasn't a meal plan and it wasn't an exercise plan. It was an honest look at food awareness and building sustainable habits. It didn't promise that every single person that did it would look toned or that every single person would lose "x" amount of weight in a certain amount of time. It was a process that looked at the best way to fuel your body for your energy requirements and goals on an individual basis. It gave me the freedom to not cut foods out or label foods as "unhealthy". It allowed me to eat things that I enjoyed as long as I planned for them. So it was really a process about improving my awareness of food (portions, macros, labels). It demanded diligence, patience, and honesty.

It also worked for me too because my plan was largely focused on food awareness rather than workouts. I used to have a pretty negative, guilt-driven relationship with the gym. I used to feel bad about not getting a workout in, but now my food choices run the show and I don't feel guilty about not working out because I know that I'm feeding my body the appropriate energy. If I get a workout in--great! If I don't get to the gym--that's fine too!


🥑 How does it feel to lose 40# in less than 7 months?

I had counted macros for a short time before I got married in 2018 and lost 10ish lbs but after the wedding I stopped, I didn’t have a dress to fit I to anymore. But in that short time I knew counting macros worked, I just need help.

We got home from Spring Training and when I got on the scale it was 196, the heaviest I have ever been. Chelsea set my macros for me and I hit the ground running. I was so ready!

The road to where I am now has been challenging to say the least and there were so many times I just wanted to eat the whole pizza! This is where the one on one coaching kicks in: I would not have lost the weight like I have if it wasn’t for the one on one coaching.


The really cool thing is the weight loss isn’t the biggest gain I have experienced…it’s the freedom I now feel from all the “diets” I have tried in the past.

At the beginning of January I saw the scale hit the highest I had seen, 184. I was so frustrated with myself that I let it get there.

I have always loved working out so much that I consider it my hobby. I would work out so hard and cut back my food to so little and never see a change. I had heard about counting macros a little bit but thought it sounded very overwhelming and to much for me. I then saw a friend have amazing success with weight loss and I asked her what was working for her. She let me know that she hired a coach and learned how to count macros…that was it I was sold. I reached out right away to her coach and hit the ground running, if you know me at all you know that I don’t do anything half ass.

I am now down 50lbs since that day in early January that I saw the scale at 184. The really cool thing is the weight loss isn’t the biggest gain I have experienced…it’s the freedom I now feel from all the “diets” I have tried in the past. The over the counter diet pills and the prescribed that I had tried. This has been going on for 12 years for me. I now have a healthy lifestyle that helps me fuel my body to be the active person I love being. I no longer see good foods and bad foods. I get to work in whatever I would like to eat into my day, I of course mostly try and eat nutrient dense foods but I don’t miss out on the stuff I love.

These are their stories. Let’s write yours.

We could keep going on, but the moral of every story is: it started.


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